Creative Food Academy

Your Food Photography

Crash Course

Inside Creative Food Academy, you'll join Em, a self-taught food photographer with a decade of experience and features in renowned publications like Forbes, The Times, Vogue & GQ. 

You'll learn 
the essentials of capturing food and drinks, both on your camera and smartphone. From mastering your camera settings, working with natural light, composition to editing, this course offers everything you need to get started. 

Being a self-taught photographer, Em teaches this course in a way she would have loved to learn when she got started - simple, visual and not too technical.

Access 8 modules, a 28-page practice workbook, a settings & exposure triangle cheat sheet, an in-depth Lightroom training document & 10 photography presets.



Enrollment opening in:










As seen in

This course is for you

if you are a


- Food Influencer feeling lost in the sea of countless online creators, struggling to make your content pop. You want to develop a consistent style, and land more brand work & audience engagement.

- Restaurant Owner dealing with the challenge of distinguishing your establishment in a competitive market. The digital age demands a strong online presence, but limited experience in creating engaging marketing content and the stress of allocating budgets without guaranteed returns hold you back. You want to do it in-house to save your budget in the long run + create an online presence which leaves a good first impression and is an accurate representation of the customer experience.

- Food Brand Owner who deals with the frustration of not being able to produce visually appealing shots that perfectly capture your brand's essence, which leads to lost market share and dimmed brand value. You want high-quality images which reflect the quality of your brand and in turn brings in more customers.

- Marketing Manager dealing with the pressure to deliver, paired with rapidly evolving digital marketing trends, needs a continuous upgrade of skills, especially in unique, high-quality visual content creation. You are restricted by tight budgets and a reliance on either stock imagery or external agencies, and want to bring fresh, compelling visuals in-house.

- Hobbyist or avid cook who is interested to start learning food photography in a simple & straightforward way without any technical pre-knowledge.

This is for you if:

  • You're continuously taking countless pictures yet never feeling fully satisfied with the outcomes.

  • You're stuck on Auto and want to learn how to take control over your camera on Manual Mode.

  •  You're overwhelmed with the amount of information on the internet & struggle with the technical of learning photography.

Em is a self-taught food photographer, therefore she teaches this course in a very simple, non-technical and easy-to-understand way. 

This isn't for you if:

  • You are already a professional food photographer: If you have extensive experience and have already mastered the skills of food photography, including advanced lighting techniques, composition, and editing, this course may cover concepts you're already familiar with. It is designed to elevate beginners to intermediate levels.

  • You're looking for an in-depth, long-term photography program: This crash course is designed to implement practical and actionable skills in food photography quickly. It's intensive and concise, making it less suitable for those seeking a comprehensive, deep-dive curriculum that spans several weeks or months.
  • You're want to learn all about artificial light: This is a beginners crash course focusing on photography managing natural light and not needing much extra equipment to get started.

Food Photography can be challenging for many different reasons:

  • Lighting: Capturing the right balance and quality of light to make food look inviting and natural is intricate. Food photography often requires understanding subtle differences in lighting to enhance textures and colors without creating unwanted shadows or highlights.

  • Styling and Composition: Creating a visually compelling image that tells a story requires skills in arranging elements harmoniously, selecting the right props, and balancing the composition to draw attention to the main subject.

  • Consistency Across a Series: Maintaining a style and technical consistency across a series of photos for a project or brand can be difficult, especially when dealing with a variety of foods and settings.

  • Technical knowledge: Understanding and handling photography equipment and software effectively is essential. This includes knowledge of camera settings, equipment, and post-processing techniques to polish the final images.

But it doesn't have to be difficult 

Addressing these challenges head-on with the right techniques, practice, and guidance can help turn the difficulties of food photography into opportunities for creating stunning and delicios images. 

Here are what Em's students say


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Restaurant Owner 


"I was completely new to photography of any kind, let alone food photography. Em's course taught me all of the basics and provided me with a solid foundation that I can really build upon. The course covered everything from camera basics, to composition / styling, action shots, editing etc. and I found it to be tremendously useful and beneficial. I highly recommend it.

Social Media Manager, Eataly London


Creative Food Academy has taught me all the foundations to take a good photo - from camera settings to composition and editing, things that I otherwise struggled with. I do a lot of food content in my work and this definitely helped elevated the quality of my photos.

The course is very clear and concise. I love that it’s super informative without being too technical. Em has many tips and tricks to help understand and remember the camera functions  which makes the information stick even after several modules!

Influencer, @chantelle_pang

Maral's Journey:
Before & After

"I've always loved baking, pouring my heart into each recipe. But when it came to photographing my creations it just didn't reflect the same. I wanted my photos to reflect the warmth and joy that baking brings me. This course has honestly been such a help in doing that.

The way it broke down things like lighting, composition and camera settings was incredibly straightforward. Since applying what I learned, I've noticed my photos look a lot more inviting."


Creative Food Academy

Fast-track to learning Food Photography 

Proven roadmap

Navigate through the entirety of food photography, from setting up your shot to the final touches in post-production, ensuring every dish looks as beautiful digitally as it does on the plate.

Step by step workbook

Follow Em's step-by-step practice module and workbook, tailored to guide food photographers through shooting from beginning to end.

Private Community

Join our community of food photography students and our professional team. Share insights, seek advice, receive feedback and grow alongside peers passionate about food photography.

Here's what you'll learn

Everything you need to get started in

Food Photography

Module 1

Camera Basics

Dive into the core of photography with our Camera Basics module. Here, you'll understand the essentials, allowing you to move away from auto mode. This lesson covers ISO, Shutter Speed, and Aperture which are the fundamental settings that give you complete manual control over your camera. It's the first step to truly understanding and mastering the art of photography.

Module 2

The Exposure Triangle

Understand the relationship between ISO, Shutter Speed, and Aperture, and how they influence your image's exposure. This lesson teaches you how to balance and prioritise your settings to achieve the perfect shot according to your end goal. You'll also get a cheat sheet to have at hand on any shoot.


Module 3


Discover the essential tools you need without breaking the bank. This guide helps you build your ideal photography setup—one that's both effective and budget-friendly.

Module 4

Natural Light

Discover common mistakes in lighting and how to improve it using proven techniques. Uncover techniques to manage and manipulate natural light using just 2 tools.

Module 5


Elevate your photography with 9 Composition Techniques. Learn the rules that guide the eye and engage the viewer, from the Rule of Thirds to leading lines. It's all about composition that captivates.

Module 6

Video Demonstration 

Experience a hands-on learning approach with our Video Demonstration. Follow a practical example of a photo shoot from conception to capturing the final shot. This visual demonstration consolidates your learning, showing you how to apply techniques in a structured, effective manner. This module also comes with a workbook of how to shoot from beginning to end.

Module 7

How to edit on Lightroom CC

Unlock the post-editing power of Lightroom CC. We take you step-by-step through the editing process, showing you how to enhance your photos. From basic adjustments to advanced edits, transform your raw images into your own work of art.

Module 8

Shooting on your Smartphone

In today's digital age, your smartphone is a powerful tool. The How to Shoot on Your Smartphone module teaches you to leverage your phone's camera to its fullest potential using the free Lightroom mobile app. Learn tips, tricks, and professional techniques for capturing stunning images, proving that sometimes, the best camera is the one in your pocket.

Meet your teacher

Hi, I'm Em

I'm is a self-taught food photographer with over a decade of experience in photography featued in magazines such as Vogue, GQ, Esquire, Glamour, Forbes, The Times and many more. 

Prior to my career in photography, I spent five years in a corporate finance environment. Driven by a passion for photography and travel, I left my job to pursue Catch52, a food and travel blog that has earned accolades and features across several media platforms, including the BBC News, London Evening Standard, The Huffington Post, and The One Show. 

Recognising the growing demand for creative visual content, I founded Zodee Media, a creative agency aimed at assisting brands in engaging their audiences through compelling visual storytelling. Within a year, I was able to turn my passion for food photography into a full time career.

But I stuggled with photography for a long time

When learning food photography, I was overwhelmed with the amount of information that was out there and how technical it all was. I ended up learning most of it through my own trial and error to get familiar by simply practicing on my own camera. 

As your instructor in this course, I'm here to simplify food photography.

I don't want you to waste the same amount of time I did trying to figure out how to get better images.

My goal is to teach it in a way that is straightforward and easy to understand. Whether you're a complete beginner or someone looking to refine your skills, this course & resouces are here to equip students with the skills necessary to capture engaging visual stories, using my simple self-taught approach and insights gained from years of practical experience.

Ready to join



  • Food Photography Course: Lifetime access with 8 modules.
  • 1 x Cheatsheet
  • 1 x 28 page workbook
  • 1 x 28 page Lightroom CC Manual & Practice Example.
  • 10 x Lightroom Food Photography Presets 
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Course + 1 session


  • Food Photography Course: Lifetime access with 8 modules.
  • 1 x Cheatsheet
  • 1 x 28 page workbook
  • 1 x 28 page Lightroom CC Manual & Practice Example.
  • 10 x Lightroom Food Photography Presets 
  • 1-hour personal feedback & consultation call.
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Course + Coaching Program


  • Food Photography Course: Lifetime access with 8 modules.
  • 1 x Cheatsheet
  • 1 x 28 page workbook
  • 1 x 28 page Lightroom CC Manual & Practice Example.
  • 10 x Lightroom Food Photography Presets 
  • 4 week 1-2-1 program: 4 x 60 minute virtual sessions tailored completely to your journey and what you want to learn.
  • 4 weeks of whatsapp & e-mail support.

Let's dig deeper

When you enroll, you'll get these awesome bonuses:

Bonus #1

10 presets

Our collection of 10 Lightroom presets is carefully designed to enhance your food photographs. They cover a wide spectrum of styles. Ideal for getting started in editing and being able to build your own style & foundation from there.

Bonus #2

Cheat Sheet

Printable cheat sheet designed to be your quick reference tool. It covers the essentials of ISO, Shutter Speed, and Aperture, providing a clear understanding of each setting's impact on your photo and exposure. Additionally, it includes a visual guide to the exposure triangle, helping you to prioritize your settings effectively. 

Bonus #3

A Lightroom Guide

With 28 pages, this in-depth Lightroom manual covers all Lightroom settings related to enhancing food photographs, ensuring you gain a thorough understanding of each tool and its application. To reinforce learning, the guide comes with a practice photo, allowing you to apply your new skills alongside our step-by-step editing guide. 

Last but definitely not least

27-page practice workbook

This workbook takes you through Em's exact thought process when shooting from beginning to end. It includes a step-by-step guide from concept, setting up your shot, managing light, choosing the best composition, choosing the right settings and getting your perfect shot. Each step summarises everything you'll learn in the course which allows you to put everything into practice and have it at hand for whenever you're shooting.

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Aida following our 1-1 :coaching

"This has been an amazing course. I love photography, and it has been my hobby for the past couple of years. For a while, I wanted to take it to a more professional level, but I could not find the balance of theory & practice.

Em's course has it all. She covered all the theoretical photography basics, and we put everything into practice. I loved the experience and the fantastic pictures I've taken since."

Selina, following our 1-1 coaching:

"What a great course this was! Em has lots of knowledge and I came away learning so many tips on food photography. She took the time to explain everything so well and was very warm and friendly.

This was a fun 1:1 session and I would recommend to anyone look to improve their food photography. Thanks so much Em!"

Frequently Asked Questions

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